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Studies Show Medical Marijuana Is Improving Baby Boomers’ Lives

Baby Boomers Marijuana Use

In states where medical marijuana is legal, research statistics show that the number of medical marijuana patients that are Baby Boomers, or older, have increased. A recent study from Johns Hopkins and Temple University indicate that improvements in the overall health of older men are reported in medical marijuana states.

The research also shows that those in older age groups are working more and retiring later, according to The Washington Post.

Another study found that, among those ages 50 and older, “passage of [a medical marijuana law] leads to a 9.4 percent increase in the probability of employment and a 4.6 percent to 4.9 percent increase in hours worked per week.”

Men in states where medical marijuana is legal are reporting that they are experiencing less pain, which makes them more able to work. An estimated 10 percent of those men say their pain has decreased. In regards to women’s health, the results are mixed.

What the study did show was that about 5 percent of women say that they are in “very good” or “excellent” health following the passage of medical marijuana. Columbia University conducted a study, which showed that men respond better to smoking marijuana for pain relief than women. The reason for this is not given, as it’s not understood just yet, so additional research is required.

As more research is being conducted regarding the benefits of medical marijuana, studies are finding that more Americans in the middle-aged category are likely to use marijuana than their children. The biggest increase has been in those ages 55 and older. Older Americans may benefit from a better quality of life as they age, with the help of medical marijuana, according to researchers.

Medicare prescriptions are reducing, at least in the areas of nausea medicine, anti-anxiety drugs and painkillers where medical marijuana is legal. Older Americans who use medical marijuana are reportedly more active and are exercising more because their pain has decreased.

Most researchers agree there are less risks associated with marijuana use than with alcohol.
