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Secret Services Loosens Marijuana Policy During Massive Hiring Push

Secret Service Marijuana

The new Director of the Secret Service, Randolph Alles, wants to increase the agency’s workforce by 3,000 over the next few years. And to do so, he has relaxed the agency’s marijuana policy.

Officials say that this a one way that reflects marijuana’s prevalence in today’s society, according to CNN. This will open up opportunities for a younger group of agents who used marijuana earlier in their lives. The agency is now following a “whole-person concept” when hiring new Secret Service agents.

Perspective agents should disclose the last time they used marijuana, along with their frequency, on applications. Admitting to using marijuana is no longer an immediate disqualifier. Some conditions do apply such as the time since the last use of marijuana. The new drug policy actually went into effect in last month.

It’s being called, “a shift that puts the force in line with other federal law enforcement agencies.”

Alles said, “We need more people. The mission has changed. It’s more dynamic and way more dangerous than it’s been in years past.”

Protecting the President, and his family, is a 24-hour operation. Even when empty, the White House still needs to be protected. Increased threats to the President, his family and the United States means that the Secret Service needs more manpower. It disclosed that six to eight threats come into the agency daily.
