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Bill to End U.S. Medical Marijuana Prohibition Reintroduced in U.S. Senate

Carers Act

The CARERS Act has been reintroduced with bipartisan support to the U.S. Senate. Sponsors and co-sponsors include Senators Rand Paul, Corey Booker, Kirsten Gillibrand, Mike Lee and Lisa Murkowski. The bill also aims to respect states’ rights and expand marijuana research.

Possession, production and distribution of medical marijuana would be permitted in compliance with state medical marijuana laws, according to Marijuana Policy Project. Furthermore, doctors working for the Dept. of Veterans Affairs (VA) would be permitted to recommend medical marijuana for veterans, in states where medical marijuana is legal. Cannabidiol (CBD) would be removed from the federal definition of marijuana.

The first introduction of the CARERS Act was on March 10, 2015. Twenty-nine states have legalized medical marijuana, and nineteen other states have recognized marijuana’s medicinal value and have negligible laws for it (heavy restrictions or unworkable programs).

An April Quinnipiac University poll showed that 94-percent of U.S. voters support medical marijuana.

Don Murphy of MPP said, “The reintroduction of the CARERS Act is the first of many steps we hope this Congress will take to end the federal prohibition of medical marijuana. The addition of Sens. Lee and Murkowski as original co-sponsors should inspire other Republicans to seriously consider this legislation and the absurd federal overreach that it seeks to correct. Marijuana is effective in the treatment of several debilitating conditions. The federal government should not be meddling in state laws that allow it or obstructing research into its many medical benefits.”

Murphy also said, “Polls show overwhelmingly strong support for medical marijuana, and it spans the political spectrum. There is no better example of an issue that garners the level of bipartisan support necessary to pass meaningful legislation. Twenty-nine states and our nation’s capital have enacted effective medical marijuana programs, and an additional 19 states have adopted laws that recognize marijuana’s medical value. There is no rational reason to continue prohibiting seriously ill patients from using this medicine or punishing those who provide it to them.”

Photo: msnbc