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Marijuana Legalization Wins Big in State Elections Across the Country

Marijuana Legalization

In one of the most controversial presidential election years in recent history, marijuana is also making history. Recreational marijuana is now legal in 3 more states. Medical marijuana is now legal in 4 more states. Below are overviews of state marijuana election results.


Arizona –  Prop 205 narrowly failed at 48-52, making it the only state to not pass its recreational marijuana ballot initiative.

California –  Prop 64 has passed. This pivotal state’s voters approved recreational marijuana by 55 percent. California residents will be permitted to grow marijuana in small amounts for personal use, and adults ages 21 and older will be permitted to purchase small amounts of marijuana.

Maine –  Question 1 has passed. Adults 21 years of age and older will be able to possess a limited amount of marijuana, grow a limited number of marijuana plants in their homes, and possess the marijuana produced by those plants. It will remain illegal to use marijuana in public.

Massachusetts –  Question 4 passed by voter majority of 53 percent. Recreational marijuana will be carefully regulated for adults ages 21 and older. Possession and home cultivation will be permitted. Cities will have the authority to govern the recreational marijuana markets in their jurisdictions.

Nevada – Voters approved recreational marijuana via Question 2 with 54 percent approval. Adults ages 21 and older will be permitted to possess 1/8 ounce of marijuana concentrate and 1 ounce usable marijuana (including weights in edibles). Those living more than 25 miles from a state-licensed retail store will be permitted to grow marijuana for personal use.


Arkansas –  Issue 6, one of the most debated marijuana initiatives in the country has passed. Voters approve medical marijuana by 53 percent approval. The medical marijuana qualifying conditions list includes 17 chronic and/or debilitating health conditions. A Medical Marijuana Commission will be formed. Tax dollars will aid the General Fund, vocational/technical schools and workforce training assistance programs.

Florida –  Amendment 2 passed by a landslide. Voters approve medical marijuana by a margin of 71 percent to 29 percent.  Licensed doctors will be permitted to recommend medical marijuana for patients.

North Dakota  –  Measure 5 has passed by a large margin. Voters support legal medical marijuana by 64 percent. The North Dakota Department of Health will establish regulations for the program.

Montana –  Voters have approved Initiative 182, which will allow adults over the age of 21 to use medical marijuana. Supporters pass the measure by 57 percent. Medical marijuana providers will no longer be limited to three patients each. Chronic pain and PTSD are qualifying conditions in Montana. Licensed doctors will be permitted to recommend medical marijuana for patients.