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Poll: 80% of Florida Voters Support Medical Marijuana Legalization

FL Medical Marijuana

A recent poll by Quinnipiac University reveals that 80 percent of Florida voters support medical marijuana legalization. Only 16 percent of Floridians are in opposition. A majority of those in support of medical marijuana are also in favor of legalizing recreational marijuana in Florida.

Florida’s medical marijuana law will be implemented in July of 2016, but is very limited, allowing only for marijuana with high CBD and low THC content for Floridians with non-terminal illnesses. A new medical marijuana initiative with broader terms will be on the Florida ballot this November.

In every age category polled, at least 70 percent of voters voted in support of legalization, Sun Sentinel reports. Political affiliation appeared to not play a role in the poll results. Some voters fear a repeat of the 2014 vote that narrowly failed as Florida requires a minimum of 60 percent of votes to be in favor of an amendment for it to pass.

The poll was conducted between April 27th and May 8th. It also showed that those over 65 and Republicans were less favorable of legalizing recreational marijuana. Overall, 56 percent of those polled support recreational marijuana legalization.