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Teen Marijuana Use Declines as Legalization Blossoms

Teen Marijuana Use Rates

Controversy is stemming around teens and their ability to obtain marijuana when states legalize recreational use. Colorado has been conducting surveys on this issue consistently over the last several years.

In 2009, a survey completed by 17,000 high school and middle school students showed that 25-percent had used marijuana within the previous 30 days.  The same study, conducted again in 2015, showed a 4-percent decline in teen marijuana usage, according to The Washington Post. Less than 40-percent of Colorado teens from across the state say that they have used marijuana within the last year. Surveys conducted on national scales show that less teens are using marijuana regardless of its legality.

An excerpt from The Colorado Health Department in a recent press release said, “The survey shows marijuana use has not increased since legalization, with four of five high school students continuing to say they don’t use marijuana, even occasionally.”

Marijuana Policy Project Representative Mason Tvert said, “These statistics clearly debunk the theory that making marijuana legal for adults will result in more teen use. Levels of teen use in Colorado have not increased since it ended marijuana prohibition, and they are lower than the national average. Elected officials and voters in states that are considering similar proposals should be wary of claims that it will hurt teens.”